One Man Raid has moved!

Check out the new site at

Make sure to update your links to the old site too!

I’m on a Podcast!

About a week or two ago I saw a tweet from the guys over at the WoWPhiles Podcast looking for Class/Spec experts to so a segment on there upcoming podcast episode. I’ve always wanted to be on a podcast so I jumped at the chance.

Nervous as I was I jumped in skype with Jason from WoWPhiles and off we went. My segment talks a little about leveling a lowbie hunter and where you should put your talents, survival at 80 and how to play it and just some general chit chat about our new resource Focus. I’m going to include both specs that I mentioned in the podcast down below.

Also on the podcast were two other players; Linedan from Achtung Panzercow who comes on the show to talk about all things Prot Warrior and Liala from Disciplinary Action who talks about all things Disc Priest. Both players know their spec really well and were very informative on the podcast!

Click the link below and listen!

Podcast Link:

Survival Build:

Thanks again to the guys at WoWPhiles for letting me do a little segment on the podcast. It was fun to do!

~ Bliky

Aspect of the Fox

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about this new spell that hunter’s are getting in Cataclysm. It’s a new Aspect, to be exact.

Hunter’s will be able to train Aspect of the Fox at level 83. When Aspect of the Fox is active it allows you to cast Steady Shot and Cobra Shot while moving. Also, it gives back 2 focus for every time we get hit by a melee attack.

The way Blizzard designed focus is interesting, yet simple to understand. Basically, it’s almost exactly like Energy except for two big aspects.

  1. Energy regenerates a lot faster than Focus does.
  2. We have an ability (In this Case Steady/Cobra Shot) that allows us to regenerate focus. Energy relies solely on talents and passive regeneration.

Unlike Energy, we can’t let our Focus pool to increase DPS because it doesn’t pool fast enough. Instead, we have to spam our focus regenerating shots to gain back what we need to use our DPS shots.

The one drawback to this system is the fact that our focus regenerating shots have a cast time. Not a long one, but it’s their. That mean’s we can’t cast them while moving thus cutting down our focus regeneration while moving by a very big amount. Aspect of the Fox opens a new door for us in the way we regenerate focus in both PvE and PvP.

Honestly, I’ve come to one conclusion about this spell. In my opinion, Aspect of the Fox is the hunter’s BEST utility spell (If not the best spell, period) that they will have at 85. Why do I think this you ask? Well, let me explain.


A lot of PvE fights now a days (And especially the one’s i’ve seen in Cataclysm) require a good amount of movement. In a general situation we would be severely focus starved if we had to move a good distance during a fight. Now we can just activate Aspect of the Fox and keep casting our Steady/Cobra Shots.

The best part about Aspect of the Fox from a PvE standpoint? It allows us to keep 100% DPS while moving. Of course, that assumes you know hot to Studder-Step (Yes, I’m going to write a post on how to do this at some point). Think about it, we are the ONLY class that can keep 100% DPS while moving. How awesome is that?


From a PvP aspect I plan to have Aspect of the Fox on 24/7. PvP is almost all moving. From my experience there are very little moments where you get to stop and actually cast. Now, you don’t actually have to stop moving at all except to fire auto shots! Also, the focus you get back from getting hit by melee attacks is pretty nifty too.


A friend of mine pointed out that I move and jump a lot in game. I watched myself today and I really do! Personally, I can’t wait for Aspect of the Fox because I want to be able to move and keep DPS. Not having it right now at 80 feels so cripple. If I have to move for more than two seconds I get focus starves and just basically have to stand there. I hate just standing and waiting when DPSing.

See why I love Aspect of the Fox so much? Sure, the lost of not using Aspect of the Hawk is there but you’ll be able to cast while moving… How awesome is that?!

Let me know what you think about Aspect of the Fox down below!

~ Bliky

Bane of the Fallen King

So, this tuesday started out like any raid night. We all got into ICC. The officers moved into the main raiding channel and told us we were going to have a vote. We were to vote 1 if we wanted to continue on Heroic LK 25, vote 2 if we wanted to have a more casual raiding schedule where we could do what we want, or vote 3 to continue clearing ICC for loot. I voted 1 but as majority would have it, the two’s won. I started to get upset because I really thought we had a chance to get H-LK25 down but that feeling didn’t last for long. Before I knew it I was being dragged in vent to another channel with one of our officers, Vinz. Instantly he qued his mic up and asked if I would be interested in doing H-LK10 this Thursday at regular raid time. I jumped at the chance as fast as I could.

Thursday night came and we headed into ICC. We started late due to the login bug that was going on that night but we managed to clear all of H-ICC10 except for Lich King. So, Vinz asked in vent if we were all available the next day, Friday, to kill him. We decided to schedule it for the next night and that was that.

Tonight began with much excitement as I had done some research on the fight earlier in the day and got pumped. We all logged on, jumped in raid, and headed for ICC. About 10 minutes in I noticed something. We were missing our Paladin tank, Hevensrath! No one knew where he was so we waited for him. We waited and waited for what seemed to be days. Eventually the clock said 8:50 my time. We waited almost an hour for him. Just about that time I hear Vinz que up in vent. He said this was basically a bust and we would try another night. Mad and slightly pissed I hearthed out of ICC. Just as I did guess who came online? Yupp, Good old Hevensrath! Excited to see him login we all hoped back in raid and headed back to ICC.

Tonight’s attempts started off.. well.. not so good. One of our best attempts was either the first or second one where we made it all the way to 36% on the boss. We, of course, wiped. This process repeated several times through the night. Things happen, people mess up, but somehow I KNEW we would get it tonight.

WTB Less Defile, PST!

Anyway, the night went on until our final attempt. Things looked lost and I personally was loosing hope. We got through Phases 1&2 perfectly. Phase 3 started off very well with everyone alive. Arthas cast his spell, we all lifted up from the ground and were ported into Frostmourne’s Room. We navigated through the room well, killing Spirits as we went, then we were out. It was then that I got “the feeling”. Right then, just as we came out, I looked over at Grid. What did I see? Everyone alive. If was then that I said to myself “This is it, this IS the kill!”. Yes, that feeling. Most raiders know that feeling, the one where you just KNOW you’ve got it. It’s an awesome feeling!

One thing lead to another. I look down to the bottom of the screen and what do I see? That’s right, Arthas is casting “Fury of the Frostmourne”. We had done it! I think I squee’d in vent at the time >.> But boy, was I excited! We watched the roleplay for what seemed like forever. We were rezzed, threw some more damage at him, and then, this:

Bane of the Fallen King Baby!

He was dead, and everyone was happy in vent! The Bow didn’t drop, but I think I will (hopefully) be back again to kill him for a second time.

Sadly, we didn’t get to take a screenshot of the full group but we did manage a semi-ghetto screenshot in Dalaran!

Left to Right: Xhula (Saiyah), Thinmint, Hevensrath, Vinzclortho, Bliky, Næ and Voxstellarum.

Missing: Keleborn, Tanequil and McDougle (Cheo).

Congratz to everyone who got Bane of the Fallen King tonight! I had so much fun with you guys tonight and I’m so glad I got the opportunity to do it!

Also, gratz to Zevvo’s group who got their Bane achievement’s last night! Both groups did an awesome job and put in some good attempts into the fight.

Bliky, Bane of the Fallen King. That has a good ring to it. 🙂

~ Bliky

Blizzcon 2010

As most of you know Blizzcon went on this past weekend. I didn’t get to physically attend this year but I was able to get the Direct TV live stream and watch it from the comfort of my own house. I was only going to watch the some of the panels as I usually aren’t interested in Cinematics or Art stuff but honestly, I’m glad I watched both of these panels. They were very interesting and gave me a cool look into new parts of the game I hadn’t seen before.

If course, I did watch the Class Q&A, General Q&A, and the Dungeons & Raids panel since those were what I really wanted to see. The only one that had any relevant hunter questions was the Class Q&A one and I wanted to talk about the two questions that were asked.

Q: Are Hunters ever going to get a fun “melee” enchant or are we going to be stuck with the same enchants?

A: For now you’re going to be stuck, but we’re going to be evaluating the scopes to make them more interesting. So if you get that cool proc enchant, it will come through that.

I thought this was an awesome question to ask when I heard it. It makes sense really. Melee get some cool proc based weapon enchants, why are we stuck with just static stats? Well the answer that (I believe it was GC who answered this, Him or Ion (Who rocked the Class Q&A up one end and down the other btw)) they gave was kind of a surprising one. Scopes, at least in my eyes, have always been boring. Just more static stats bla bla etc… Well, having a scope that act’s like the Mongoose enchant or the Berserking enchant that procs a certain stat for a duration would be really awesome! /approve

Q: Hunters are the only class in the game with a minimum range. This hurts us a lot in raids. They can stand directly in front of you, they can repeatedly stand in front of you and use a ranged attack, why can’t Hunters do the same thing and stack near the boss?

A: It’s a theme for the class. Larger hit boxes on bosses cause a problem, and that’s something we’d like to address.

Followup Question:

Q: Well is there something to be done to give us an advantage for that?

A: You can shoot while moving for one, mages can’t do that. Rogues can’t really do anything while running from spot a to spot b, but you can. Different classes, different situations.

Ahh, I knew someone would ask this. The old Minimum Range question. Now, personally, I don’t like the minimum range at times, but it’s not a HUGE deal to me. It was nice to see Blizzard wanting to address things like bosses having gigantic hit boxes which can give hunter’s a harder time with that specific fight (See Marrowgar). The answer to the second question was one that made me thing. If you think about it’s true. Casters like Warlocks or Mages really can only do one or two abilitys on the move. Melee can only do so much as well. Hunter’s on the other hand, can do everything. When we get access to Aspect of the Fox it will let us use our one casted ability while on the move. If you know how to Studder-Step properly to fire auto shots (Stopping for a split second every time you’re about to fire an auto shot while moving) you can continue to fire Auto Shots while on the move. Basically we can keep 100% DPS while on the move and I’m totally okay with that. Sure, it’s a trade off for having a minimum range but, in my opinion, its a great trade off!

Frostheim over at Warcraft Hunters Union attended Blizzcon this weekend. Lucky for him he ran into Ghostcrawler himself at the Hotel where he stayed. He got to have a (what looks to be) lengthy conversation about hunters and other things as well. I suggest you go for yourself and see exactly what Frostheim and Ghostcrawler had a conversation about in this article. (Yay for GC actually making an actual note in his Blackberry about the current situation of hunter pets not being crit-immune! There is hope!)

Want to discuss the questions asked in further detail or have something to add? Leave a comment below!

~ Bliky

4.0.1: Surviving with Survival

(If you’re looking for a general hunter guide to patch 4.0.1 feel free to check out my guide right here. This post also assumes that you reforged the way my guide says and are using the spec/glyphs that are mentioned in the guide.)

I decided I would try the spec that Pre-4.0.1 I hated with an intense passion. Now.. I love it! I don’t know why but I like it a lot more than I did before. I wanted to write a post about my findings, both the good and bad. Of course, once we actually have access to 85 talents and abilities I will be writing a more formal guide to hunters @ 85 and each spec individually. That won’t be till December though.

I get a lot of hunters ask me what is the “spec to be” right now. I’ll tell you this straight up and I mean it. Now is the time in the game where nothing matters. If you’re a DPSing min-maxer who likes to be as perfect as possible at the game, this is your break period! What I want you to do is try all the spec’s you like, find one that’s fun and stick with that until Cataclysm. Play what you ENJOY. Everything is so imbalanced/broken right now because everything is tuned to 85 that nothing really matters (unless you’re progressing on H-LK or any H-ICC fights.) so do what YOU want to do, play what YOU want to play and enjoy the game till the real fun begins. Now that that’s over, lets dive into survival, shall we?

Spec I’ve been using with glyphs:

(If you’re curious, this is what I think will be the 85 spec for survival: I’m not going to go over this till Cataclysm)

Originally, with that spec I followed the “1.5 second Steady Shot cast” rule that I’ve been following for Marksmanship. Well, I realized something. Assuming you have no gear on and you’re just spec’d the way I have in the link above you have 13% Haste. 10% from Hunting Party and 3 from Pathing. With all of MY gear off that brought my Steady Shots from a 2 second cast time to 1.76 seconds. That’s just a little under half of what you need to get steadys to a 1.5 second cast time. That means that we don’t need that much haste from gear to get to this point. Luckily, if you had gear from Pre-4.0.1 that had ArmorPen on it then you should be at a good amount of haste.

I have come to realize that not only is the 1.5 second Steady shot cast time rule not as big a deal for Survival DPS as it is for Marksmanship but also with just some gear on + Hunting Party and Pathing you should be at an acceptable level of haste for your Steady Shots.

I like Survival right now for a few reasons. For some reason, I actually like the rotation compared to the way it used to be (Really didn’t change. And no, I don’t know why I like it now). I like the fact that if I Multi-Shot into a pack of 5+ mobs I see a whole waterfall of numbers across my screen. Go Go Multi-Shot – Serpent Spread – Improved Serpent Sting with a Launched Explosive Trap! Wyvern Sting will be nice for CC come Cataclysm when we need it. My raid doesn’t have any Enhancement Shamans (I think) or Frost DK’s so I bring the Melee/Range haste buff which is always a nice thing!

There are, of course, some drawbacks that Survival has at 80. The biggest one of them being no Cobra Shot. Not only do we currently have to have to manually refresh Serpent Sting but we have to use Steady Shot which is a psychical attack. Cobra Shot allows us to use a Nature Damage attack that gets the full benefit from our Mastery along with the fact that it keeps Serpent Sting up 100% of the time allowing us to keep 25 focus for other things. Part of Survivals current focus starvation problem is (I think) from the fact that we DO have to use that focus to refresh Serpent Sting instead of using it to cast things like Black Arrow or Explosive Shot.

Luckily for me and all the people who like survival the drawbacks it has currently will be fixed as soon as you ding 81 (and go to your trainer)!

On a side note, I did Molten Core with my hunter friend tonight and I FINALLY got my last piece to complete my Giantstalker Set! Here’s a picture of me in the full set with my Rhok’delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers

Be on the lookout for Hunter Blizzcon Coverage post coming (Hopefully) some time tomorrow and a post about all my new pets coming soon as well!

~ Bliky

Triumphs and Woes

So, after a little break from raiding this week (yeah, bad timing I know -.-) I was finally able to make my way back into ICC! Since the patch all I was able to see with the new changes in ICC was Marrowgar. I got to say, after a full nights raid (We went 10/12 HM ICC25 tonight) I have quite a few thoughts about focus, specs, and other stuff. Lets start, shall we?

(On another note, I got Heroic Deathbringer’s Will tonight :D)

The Triumphs

Well, while I was in my raid a good friend on twitter (Validra – You should check out his blog!) pointed me to this blue post that made me extremely happy. Here’s what it says:

We have pushed a hotfix to improve hunter damage.

Specifically, we increased the damage of the signature abilities (Chimera Shot, Black Arrow, Explosive Shot, and Kill Command) by 15-25%. This will both improve overall damage-dealing and make sure that these abilities are prioritized higher than other shots. We think this will bring hunters to a good enough state until they hit 85. Aspect of the Fox and Cobra Shot solve some specific issues at higher levels. Marksman hunters may still trump Survival and Beast Master hunters until they’re 85, since their rotations rely a little on Cobra Shot.

Now, I know things are scaled for 85 bla bla but honestly, from what I saw other hunters doing, its a little low right now. From my experience tonight I think my DPS is low… Well, I know it is. I’m not sure if the hotfix has actually been applied yet or if that won’t happen till next week. It’s nice to see Blizzard acknowledging that hunters are a little weak right now and they’re doing stuff to fix that!

The Woes

Of course, with every good comes some bad. If you were on twitter tonight while I was raiding (Yeah Validra and Rades, I’m looking at you guys!) I was talking about how I didn’t like focus that much. I’m kind of on edge about it, to be honest. Part of how I feel about focus I think Rades said best:

“Just hate the feel of using filler shots not to wait for CDs, but to be able to USE CD shots.”

I still don’t know about it… I just don’t. I feel crippled on movement fights (See Heroic Putricide) because I can’t Steady shot to regen focus when on the move so I have to rely on base focus regen (which isn’t a whole hell of a lot). Hopefully, the problems I have with movement should be fixed come 83 when I get Aspect of the Fox which lets you Steady/Cobra Shot on the move. The other issue (which isn’t so much an issue I am having but just a general one) is the lack of Cobra Shot. For Marks this isn’t a huge issue because it uses steady shot anyway, but for Survival and Beast Mastery they rely on Cobra Shot to keep serpent sting up. Without it, SS has to constantly be reapplied to the Boss. My hope is that I’ll get used to having focus, get better at managing it, and come 85 be okay with it. For now, it’s meh.

I messed around with my survival spec tonight for trash and a few other things. Notably I used it on Heroic Blood Queen. I didn’t get a bite but I did manage to do 14.5k DPS @ 3.3 million damage (I like the focus management and they rotation of the spec a lot more than I thought I would). I liked how much damage it did on trash as well. I plan on reforging all my gear back to mastery for survival and use it on thursday for Sindragosa and whatever else the raid decided to do. As well, I plan on writing a post for Survival, much like I did for Marks either tomorrow or Thursday so be on the look out for that!

~ Bliky

4.0.1: Another Look at Marksmanship

(If you’re looking for a general hunter guide to patch 4.0.1 feel free to check out my guide right here. This post also assumes that you reforged the way my guide says and are using the spec/glyphs that are mentioned in the guide.)

So,  after talking with a bunch of people on twitter, doing a lot more forum browsing and more researching into how Marks works I’ve discovered some new things that help increase DPS as Marks. Of course, I didn’t want to post about new ideas without doing my testing and research so here’s a chart of the few different parses I did with some different variables/stats/weapons changed for each test.

(Quick Shots is the proc for Zod’s)

First thing I did (shown in Test 1) was just a simple, 5 minute parse with everything the way I had it.

I saw a bunch of posts and people talking about having 25% haste the “sweet spot” for hunters so I decided to reforge my gear and try it. I had to go through and reforge almost everything that didn’t have haste on it for haste so I lost a lot of mastery. The loss of mastery doesn’t seem to be a huge detriment to anything at all, in fact, I think the gain in haste outweighs the loss in mastery by quite a bit.

I read over at a hunter blog I read called “She Can’t DPS” in this article that the hunter she was talking to and working with (Nestey on Moon Guard-US) that because of the changes in weapon damage Fal’Inrush is better than H-Zods. Here’s what they said:

Another is Slow Weapons > Fast Weapons. I did a naked run and fully geared run between LK normal 25m bow and Heroic Zod’s the damage difference per auto shot was about 200, on arcane my difference was around 400.

So I decided to throw my Fa’Inrush on and do my second test with it. With my Zod’s on (With everything reforged around getting haste “sweet spot” as a priority, then mastery) I was just at 24.25% haste but luckily my Fal’Inrush was able to bring me comfortably over the haste “sweet spot”.

As you can see from Test 2 that my DPS went up quite a bit (~400) and my damage went up by ~200,000. A significant gain if I do say so myself.

In Test 3 I put my Zod’s back on and tested with being at the haste “sweet spot”. My damage went back down to where it was in Test 1. Pretty big loss, imo.

The rotation I did for this is pretty confusing so I’ll just quote She Can’t DPS again (Seriously, check out the blog!)

Rotation I use:

SrS > Chim > Arc x2 (Opener)

SS x2 >Arc x2 > SS x3 > Chim > Arc (Standard)

Also, when you are doing the SS x3 part, if you have enough focus for an Arcane Shot after the first Steady then you can do the Chim > Arc. Otherwise skip the Arc and go to SS x2 > Arc x2.

If however you don’t have the focus at the time for an Arc after your first Steady in the x3 part but you proc Aim Shot before the Chim then go Chim > Aim > Arc (Global used on Aim Shot is enough time to passively generate enough focus for the Arcane Shot). This usually happens every 2-3 rotations, otherwise the Aim Shot proc is usually triggered during the Arc x2 part.

It took a while to grasp it. Honestly, go spend time on the dummy until you have mastered it, then go do it for longer. More practice can never hurt, especially in a situation like this,

Another observation I had was that keeping the Improved Steady Shot proc up all the time was CRUCIAL to the spec which is why you weave 2 or 3 steady shots into the spec at one time.

One of the things that I thought about was the fact that standing in front of a Target Dummy causes some of our stuff to get “Blocked”. If you’re going to parse I suggest standing behind the dummy so this doesn’t happen and cut your DPS.

If you have any other info on Marks or any other spec, or just want to ask something leave a comment below!

~ Bliky

4.0.1: A Hunter Guide

So, 4.0.1 is here! I’ve had a lot of hunters approach me and say “Blik, what happened?! My mana’s focus and now my talent trees shrunk! AHHHH!” Not to worry everyone, I’m here to help you get everything all straightened out.

For everyone who is just visiting this site for the first time, my name is Bliky and I play on Shadow Council-US. This guide is mostly centered around PvE since I don’t plan on doing any real PvP with my hunter until I either have access to Aspect of the Fox or get to level 85. With my guild, I am currently 11/12 Hardmode ICC25. So, Like i said, this guide is strictly from a PvE Point of view.

Table of Contents:

  • Focus
  • Spells
  • Talents
  • Pet Abilities
  • Stable
  • Glyphs
  • Stats
  • Reforging

So, lets get right into it, shall we?


So, the first thing you might notice when logging into your hunter is your mana is gone! It has now been replaced with our new resource similar to our pets resource called Focus. The best way I can describe focus is that, simply, it is like energy except for the fact that it has a much slower regeneration rate. Due to that face, we get an ability (Or in this case, a new feature tacked onto a current ability) that helps us regenerate focus quicker. Haste is another tool we have to help our focus regenerate faster (Ill cover more on this in the Stats section). Most of our main damage dealing abilities cost focus, where as most of our utility abilities (Traps, Disengage, etc) don’t cost focus.

One of the main ways we have to regenerate our focus is through the use of Steady/Cobra Shot. Every time we cast a Steady/Cobra Shot we regenerate 9 focus off the bat.

To be quite honest, focus can take either 5 minutes to get used to or a couple of hours. Not everyone can grasp such a new concept so quickly. If you don’t fully graps/like the concept of focus withing the first 10 minutes on the dummy DON’T give up. Keep at it. It can take a while to learn. Do a few randoms to get the grasp of it in a more group/raid setting as well.


Since the release of 4.0.1 a lot of hunter spells have changed. If nothing else, some spells changed to simply reflect the change from mana to focus. Here, tree by tree, I’m going to run through each ability that changed and explain the changes.

New Spells

Call Pet – Call pet has gone through a nice, big change from where it was previously. It now takes very good use of the Pull Out Menu blizzard has implemented. Along with Call Pet, you now have spells called Call Pet 1-5. Due to the new stable changes, Call Pet 1-5 will be able to summon whatever pet you have in the “Active” pet slot with the respected number (This will be better explained in the Stable section). The nifty part about Call Pet 1-5 is the Icon changes with what pet you have in that slot a long with the tooltip name. Currently I only have Call Pet 1-4 because Call Pet 5 is trained at level 82.

Example of the Pull Out Menu and Call Pet 1

Widow Venom – Since Aimed Shot got changed (See Spells>Marksmanship) it had the Mortal Strike healing debuff effect removed from it. Instead, it became it’s own spell. Widow Venom applies a debuff to the target reducing their healing taken by 25% for 30 seconds. Costs 15 focus.

Aspect of the Fox (Available at Level 83) – Aspect of the Viper is gone since we no longer have mana and it is replaced with Aspect of the Fox. Aspect of the Fox allows you to cast Steady and Cobra Shot while you are moving (More on this later in this section) and gives you 2 focus back whenever you are hit by a melee attack.

Trap Launcher – Trap Launcher works just like the old Freezing Arrow did except it now works for ALL traps! Trap Launcher has a 15 second window that you can launch a trap and costs 20 focus.

Cobra Shot (Available at Level 81) – Cobra Shot is very similar to Steady Shot except dealing Physical Damage it now does Nature Damage. Just like Steady Shot it also regenerates 9 focus. The difference is that when you cast a Cobra Shot it will increase the duration on your Serpent Sting (Assuming it’s applied to the target) by 6 seconds per Cobra Shot cast. Cobra Shot has a base 2 second cast time and costs no focus.

Camouflage (Available at Level 85) – Camouflage is our new level 85 ability. When activated it puts the hunter and his pet in a semi-stealth state. This state causes us to be untargetable by ranged attacks, reduces the chance that enemy’s can detect you and providing a more full on stealth when standing still. While under the affects of Camouflage you can lay any trap BUT any damage you or your pet causes will break the effect. It cannot be cast in combat, costs no focus and lasts 1 minute.

Beast Mastery

Kill Command – Kill Command has gone through a big change from where it was to now. Currently it works like a regular damage dealing ability but it causes your pet to do a certain amount of damage to its current target. To use Kill Command your pet needs to be in combat and within 5 yards of the target.

Mend Pet – Instead of a certain amount like it used to be Mend Pet now heals for 25% of the pets total health over 10 seconds. 45 Yard Range.


Aimed Shot – Aimed Shot has, more of less, been reverted to the way it was pre-WotLK. It now has a base 3 second cast time. It’s damage has been lowered from the last patch and it costs 50 focus with a 2.5 second cooldown.

Arcane Shot – Arcane Shot is now our spam ability. Currently it has no cooldown and hits for quite a bit more than it did before. It costs 25 focus and does damage as Arcane Damage.

Multi-Shot – Multi-Shot now has no cooldown, costs 40 focus and can hit an unlimited number of targets that are within 8 yards of the main target.


Misdirection – Misdirection has stayed mostly the same except for one part. Currently, after 30 seconds the threat that was transferred from you to the target wears off.

Minor Spell Changes

Dismiss Pet had it’s cast time reduced to 2 seconds. Master’s Call has a new icon. Kill Shot now does less damage but is on a 10 second cooldown. Steady Shot now generates 9 focus when cast. Ice Trap is just the old Frost Trap renamed. Scatter Shot is now baseline. Serpent Sting can crit baseline now and the ticks are affected by our haste. Volley was removed. Call Stable Pet is now gone.



As you may or may not know the talent trees got slimmed down in a big way. If you’re logging into your hunter for the first time since the patch you will see a box telling you that your talents have been reset. If you open your talent trees you’ll be greeted with a window that looks like this:

Unspec'd talent tree panel

Confusing, I know, but let me explain a few things first.

First thing you should do is pick a talent tree, once you pick one and put at least one point into it you cannot put any points into another tree until you’ve put 31 points into the original tree. The days of hybrid specing are gone. You’ve probably already noticed that on each panel in the screen shot above there is listed a spec-relevant ability, and two things below it. One is a spec bonus and the other is the spec mastery. Each spec gives something different listed below:

Beast Mastery

Intimidation -Intimidation is the pet stun that lasts for 3 seconds and causes some threat.

Animal Handler – Increases Attack Power by 15%

Mastery: Master of Beasts – Increases the damage done by your pets by a baseline of 13.6%. Each point of mastery (Explained in the stats section) increases the pets damage by 1.7%


Aimed Shot – See “Spells” section.

Artisan Quiver – Increases ranged auto-attack damage by 15%.

Mastery: Wild Quiver – Gives you a 14.4% chance for a ranged attack to instantly fire a second ranged attack at 100% damage. Each point of mastery (Explained in the stats section) increases the chance of an additional shot by 1.8%


Explosive Shot -A shot that fires an explosive charge into the enemy dealing damage and blasting the target every second for an additional 2 seconds. 6 second cooldown and costs 50 focus.

Into the Wilderness – Increases agility by 15%

Mastery: Essence of the Viper – Increases all elemental damage by a baseline of 8%. Each point of mastery (Explained in the stats section) increases the elemental damage done by 1.0%


This guide, of course, assumes you have some basic knowledge of the hunter class so I shouldn’t have to go through and explain what every single talent in every tree does. I do, however, want to go through and explain the rotations for each spec. (All of the rotations are compliments of Midnight from the Elitist Jerks forum topic here.)


  • HM = Hunter’s Mark
  • MfD = Marked for Death
  • KS = Kill Shot
  • KC = Kill Command
  • SpS = Serpent Sting
  • AS = Arcane Shot
  • CoS = Cobra Shot
  • SS = Steady Shot
  • AimS = Aimed Shot
  • CS = Chimera Shot
  • BA = Black Arrow
  • ES = Explosive Shot
  • MMM = Master Marksman
  • LnL = Lock and Load

Beast Mastery


if HM is not on target or running out in less than a set time and there´s no MfD on target and focus/cooldowns/target heath don´t allow for KS or KC
–> cast HM
if KS is off CD and target health is at or below 20%
–> cast KS
if KC is off CD and enough focus
–> cast KC
if SpS is not on target and enough focus
–> cast SpS
if focus over or at 75 (modified by Efficiency)
–> cast AS
none of the above
–> cast CoS/SS



if HM is not on target or running out in less than a set time and there´s no MfD on target and MfD is not talented and focus/cooldowns/target heath don´t allow for KS or CS
–> cast HM
if KS is off CD and target health is at or below 20%
–> cast KS
if CS is off CD and enough focus
–> cast CS
if MMM buff is up
–> cast AimS
if SpS is not on target and enough focus
–> cast SpS
if SS won´t overcap focus and last spell has been SS and the spell before last spell has not been SS
–> cast SS
if enough focus to cast AS now and still enough to cast CS whenever it comes off CD
–> cast AS
none of the above
–> cast SS



if HM is not on target or running out in less than a set time and there´s no MfD on target and focus/cooldowns/target heath don´t allow for KS, ES or BA
–> cast HM
if KS is off CD and target health is at or below 20%
–> cast KS
if ES is off CD and either enough focus or LnL charges left and last ES cast is 2 or more seconds ago
–> cast ES
if BA is off CD and enough focus
–> cast BA
if SpS is not on target and enough focus
–> cast SpS
if focus over or at 75 (modified by Efficiency) and there´s no LnL buff
–> cast AS
if KC is off CD and enough focus and LnL buff up
–> cast KC
none of the above
–> cast CoS

Pet Abilities

Blizzard changes what kinds of things our pets bring. Now, every pet brings some type of raid buff. Sometimes as a full strength buff, sometimes as a lesser version of the buff. Malazee over at Petopia put together an awesome flow chart that shows exactly what pet family brings what buff.

Malazee's Handy Pet Flowchart


Because of the way the new Call Pet (Explained above) works Blizzard decided to remove the old Call Stable Pet spell and change the way the actual Stable Master NPC’s work. As I mentioned above you can see in the screenshot below that on the left is the list of Active pet’s. This are the ones that I can call from anywhere with Call Pet 1-5. The right is the other pets who are currently in storage. Blizzard was nice enough to give us 20 slots for storage and 5 for active pets so we can have a total of 25 tamed pets.

New Stable


The glyph system Blizzard intoduces in WotLK has changes in patch 4.0.1. They added a 3rd type of glyph called Prime glyphs. You can now have 3 Prime, Major and Minor glyphs. The prior Minor glyphs for hunter have not changed. To me it looks like Prime glyphs are mostly for stat changes. More crit on this, more damage on that. That type of thing. Major glyphs are now for more utility. Changing abilities, reducing cool downs, that sort of thing.

Blizzard had a blue post a while back that had all the glyphs in a nice little list and here it is!:


  • Aimed Shot – When you critically hit with Aimed Shot, you instantly gain 5 Focus.
  • Arcane Shot – Your Arcane Shot deals 12% more damage.
  • Chimera Shot – Reduces the cooldown of Chimera Shot by 1 sec.
  • Dazzled Prey – Your Steady Shot generates an additional 2 Focus on targets afflicted by a daze effect.
  • Explosive Shot – Increases the critical strike chance of Explosive Shot by 6%.
  • Kill Command – Reduces the Focus cost of your Kill Command by 3.
  • Kill Shot – If your Kill Shot fails to kill the target on a target at or below 25% health, your Kill Shot’s cooldown is instantly reset. This effect has a 6 sec cooldown.
  • Rapid Fire – Increases the haste from Rapid Fire by an additional 10%.
  • Serpent Sting – Increases the periodic critical strike chance of your Serpent Sting by 6%.
  • Steady Shot – Increases the damage dealt by Steady Shot by 10% when your target is afflicted with Serpent Sting.


  • Bestial Wrath – Decreases the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 20 sec.
  • Concussive Shot – Increases the duration of your Concussive Shot by 2 sec.
  • Deterrence – Decreases the cooldown of Deterrence by 10 sec.
  • Disengage – Decreases the cooldown of Disengage by 5 sec.
  • Freezing Trap – When your Freezing Trap breaks, the victim’s movement speed is reduced by 70% for 4 sec.
  • Ice Trap – Increases the radius of the effect from your Ice Trap by 2 yards.
  • Immolation Trap – Decreases the duration of the effect from your Immolation Trap by 6 sec., but damage while active is increased by 100%.
  • Master’s Call – Increases the duration of your Master’s Call by 4 sec.
  • Mending – Increases the healing done by your Mend Pet ability by 40%.
  • Misdirection – When you use Misdirection to your pet, the cooldown on your Misdirection is reset.
  • Raptor Strike – Reduces damage taken by 20% for 5 sec after using Raptor Strike.
  • Scatter Shot – Increases the range of Scatter Shot by 3 yards.
  • Silencing Shot – When you successfully silence an enemy’s spell cast with Silencing Shot, you instantly gain 10 focus.
  • Snake Trap – Snakes from your Snake Trap take 90% reduced damage from area of effect spells.
  • Trap Launcher – Reduces the focus cost of Trap Launcher by 10.
  • Wyvern Sting – Decreases the cooldown of your Wyvern Sting by 6 sec.


  • Aspect of the Pack – Increases the range of your Aspect of the Pack ability by 15 yards.
  • Feign Death – Reduces the cooldown of your Feign Death spell by 5 sec.
  • Mend Pet – Your Mend Pet spell increases your pet’s happiness slightly.
  • Revive Pet – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Revive Pet by 100%.
  • Scare Beast – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Scare Beast by 75%.

(Yes, I know it links to the MMO-Champion database. I plan to fix this eventually!)


This list of explained stats is in priority order.

(Armor Pen is gone! It has been replaced with crit gems currently in game. No longer needed to be considered as a stat.)

Hit Rating – Of course. this is so your shots don’t miss. They changed the hit cap at 80. You now need 246 hit rating (8%) to be capped.

Agility -This is our bread and butter stat. Now agility gives us 2 AP per 1 Agility (Despite what the in game tooltip says). Agility also gives us crit rating. At 80 83.33 gives us 1% crit rating.

Mastery -Mastery as a stat increases the bonus of your spec mastery (See the Talent section).

Crit Rating – Causes our abilities to crit. At 80 45.91 Crit Rating gives 1% of Crit.

Haste Rating – Haste Rating helps us to increase our Global cooldown, auto shot speed, and steady/cobra shot speed. At level 80 32.79 haste rating gives 1% of haste.


Reforging is this awesome new thing Blizzard gave us that lets us take 40% of any secondary stat and change it into a different stat. Secondary Stat? Yeah, you know the “On Equip” stats on gear. Those stats.

See how my Leggings of the Northern Lights say Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 83? Those are the stats that can be reforged. (You can also see how mastery displays on a reforged piece of gear).

The reforging NPC’s are located in all major cities near the Enchanting/Scribe trainers. If you really can’t find him, ask a guild. He’ll point you in the right direction.

Once you get there and open his Reforging panel you’ll see a little slot for a piece of gear. Drag what you want to reforge into that slot and two drop down boxes will appear. The left one is what stat you want to reduce and the right is what you want to change it into with each respected value (Ones being reduced and gained.) The bottom of the panel will show you what stat you’ll be loosing and what you will be gaining along with how much it costs.

Reforge Example

Hit reforge and it’s done.

As a hunter, all 3 specs benefit a GREAT deal from mastery rating so I suggest you go and reforge all your gear for mastery. Make sure you’re hit cap’d first, of course. What I did was took each piece of gear and looked to see if I would gain more mastery our of Reforging Crit or Haste and I chose depending on which would give me the most. Do this for every piece.

Well guys, that’s it! That should be just about everything you need to know to get going as a hunter in 4.0.1. As always, if you have any questions you can leave a comment below or contact me on twitter at @_Bliky. I would be happy to answer any questions you have. Don’t forget to link this post to your guild/friends!

~ Bliky

The Technicals of 4.0.1

So, after last night’s fiasco in ICC I decided to stay home today and do more testing on spec’s to see where they stand.

First thing I did was head to the dummy in Exodar, thinking there would be no one there. To my surprise there wasn’t anyone even near the dummy. I was able to do all 3 parses that I did with no actual debuffs on the dummy other than my own.

I did 3 five minute parses each. One as Marksmanship and two as Beast Mastery. After the first BM Parse I decided to, in the Survival tree, take two points out of Pathing and put them into Improved Serpent Sting.

I disabled both of the raid buffs my pets gave me to get a more accurate parse. I wasn’t able to accurately test Survival due to two things. One, I don’t really like survival. Two, there is a bug that cuts our resource regeneration by 10% by specing into Hunting Party.

If you’re curious about what gear I have you can check my armory. Link should be on the right side of this post. I had, as stated in a different post, reforged the higher stat (Crit or Haste) on all my gear to mastery leaving me with 561 Mastery Rating at 20.22% Mastery. I had that for all the below tests.

Spec’s I used:


BM Spec One (No ImpSS)

BM Spec Two (Imp SS)

The first parse I did was Marks. Here’s how the numbers on Recount looked, how Wild Quiver (The marks mastery) did, and how much stats Wild Quiver gained from my mastery that I have.

Marksmanship Test

I am very pleased at how well Wild Quiver did. Currently it has a 36% chance to fire an extra auto attack that does 115% Weapon Damage. For being 3rd on recount with the fact that Auto Shot went off ONLY 9 more times than Wild Quiver is awesome. Overall I like the Marks rotation a lot more than I do the Beast Master one currently. Remember, with raid buffs (Specifically looking at Sunder Armor considering the top 3 damaging attacks are Physical) I feel like marks DPS has a chance to go WAY up assuming you have certain buffs.

Now, onto the Beast Mastery parse I did with No Improves Serpent Sting. Instead I had 2% more Haste across the board.

BM Testing with No ImpSS

The difference between MM here and BM is insane. Almost 1000 more DPS with MM and about 400,000 more damage as Marks than BM. That, well, it’s a big difference.

Next, BM With ImpSS.

BM Tesing with ImpSS

I did less damage WITH Improves SS (A very small amount) than I did without it. It only did 3% of my overall Damage. That doesn’t seem like a lot and honestly, doesn’t even seem like it’s worth it.

Hopefully I, along with some other people will be able to do some more testing (Specifically in a raid setting) to see how things come out, but MM looks like (Atleast for me) the spec of choice.

~ Bliky